Saturday Events

Virtual coffee shop at 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM CDT On our discord.  #general-voice-chat.

Anime Afternoon/Night(Online)

3:30 PM to 11:30 PM CDT On our Discord #anime-night-video

Feel free to join us!

Virtual Coffee Shop Chat. Weekly Saturday @ 3p Central

This event is hosted by Faye this week and will be shorter than usual. “I think we need a chance to talk and discuss about random things. Be it queer issues, anime that you have been watching, or what your pet is doing. Just a nice relaxing social event.”

So thus a Virtual coffee shop meetup. Lets brew some good coffee, at home, and enjoy each others company. (Alternate beverages welcome :))

This will take place on our Discord in #general-voice-chat.
A link to the discord server can be found at

If you have any problems with connecting to Discord please let us know!

More info can be found on the meetup page

Anime Afternoon / Anime night This Saturday Starting at 3:30pm Central (changed from 3pm,)(Virtural)

WENO Set@ UT Arlington
WENO Set@ UT Arlington

Come Join and hang out while Faye plays anime, art stuff, and other interesting things. through Discord, and our streaming infra

Also free to come by and go at your leisure since this is virtually in your own home. Feel free to suggest anything in Discord or here We look forward to seeing you (virtually)


currently, the playlist is…..
Knights of Sidonia
Death March to the parallel world rhapsody
summoned to another world for a second time|
Yuri!!! on ICE
Vampire in the garden
 Assassination classroom.
Show By rock!!!
along with anything anyone suggests

the art is going to be lighting design renders works. along with other works. (like AMV

Join us In Discord and/or our streaming infra

RSVP on Meetup

Anime night – Test Signals

I am doing a light show, each Saturday night, as content for “Testing the streaming platform” .

Anyways Here is last nights show

Anyways its on Saturday night @ 6:30P -> 7P Then anime after that till about 1AM

see our meetup page for event details and RSVP

Update to our Coronavirus response

this is a follow up post to our last virus post on march 14.


Hello everyone,

We are still not holding IRL meetups. We discussed this and decided it was still too soon to be social in a physical meetup space.

once I have a more firm idea, of when we go back to IRL meetups i will let everyone know.




Hello everyone. 

I am giving a update in regards to the Coronavirus. 

I have decided to suspend all of our group’s IRL meetups. This is out of concern of safety of our members. I will continue to monitor the situation and decide when its safe to restart the IRL meetups.

This was a hard decision to make. But I felt with the amount of uncertainty and cases of the virus in the Austin area. I did not want our group meetups to be a vector for spreading the virus. 


Be safe, and awesome.

Faye Archip

Leader of the LGBTQ+ anime Austin  

“Fighting Fate” Another Light show by Faye.

Song: Fighting Fate by iMeiden .

Venue: Virtual world in Capture lighting software

A Design statement by Faye Archip.

The song “Fighting Fate” by iMeiden Feels like it could be used. To describe the Trans experience. Or at least mine.

I portray the start of the journey as the reveal of the Actor. @ 0:31 seconds.Then I bring the intensity back down, as if the Actor does not know. what they want to do. At the first drop I would envision that the actor would transform into a more feminine figure. Then Have a reveal. Which starts with the second “claps” .

The part about “Heart is pounding fast, People blurring past” I would describe as the stress about coming out to Friends and Family. It might not be all peachy and happy. You could break some eggs. The line “So if I give up, stitches will come undone. And I’ll not see the person I’ve become” echoes inside me As it’s a Journey. It’s the path you start, with HRT. it’s not over night you get the attributes you want. Nor automatic for strangers to use your correct pronouns. But, But, It will help fix your gender dysphoria. After awhile people can pick up on the changes. And you become the real you..

It is a Journey, start out taking inches, feet, then a full track. Then keep on running.

LD: Faye Archip